State of Maine
By the Governor
No More War Day
Sunday July 30th is to be observed as No More War Day in many of the civilized countries of the world. The lessons of the recent war are too soon forgotten, time draws a veil over its sufferings and peace-loving citizens, intent upon their own pursuits, are prone to overlook the fact that selfishness still reigns in many high places.
Prussianism has not yet received its death blow. Crushed in one nation it still seeks to hold sway in others. Citizens in every land should guard against insidious propaganda and false appeals to patriotism, for history records that preparation has not averted, but often has hastened war.
America should continue to guide in the Peace Councils of the world. Impressive reduction in naval armament has been effected under the leadership of President Harding and Secretary Hughes, and it is hoped that the great nations of the world soon will agree to a similar reduction in their military forces. Such a movement must be world-wide for no nation, however altruistic, should sacrifice its power of self-defense and expose itself to attack.
President Harding expresses it forcefully in saying: "Our hundred millions want less of armament and none of war." When the sleeping giant of public sentiment is once awakened and the people of every land unite in demanding that war shall cease, the work already begun will be brought to a successful conclusion, and war will be no more.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, PERCIVAL P. BAXTER, Governor of the State of Maine, do hereby proclaim
Sunday, July 30, 1922
No More War Day
in the State of Maine
and I appeal to the clergymen of the State to observe the day with appropriate services, and urge citizens in general to support President Harding in his efforts to promote permanent world peace.
[seal] Given at the office of the Governor at Augusta, and sealed with the Great Seal of Maine, this Twenty-eighth day of July, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty-two, and of the State of Maine the One Hundred and Third.