Sudhindra Bose to Jane Addams, March 25, 1922

Iowa City, Iowa
March 25, 1922
Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
800 South [Halsted] St.,
Chicago, Illinois:

My dear Miss Addams:

I thank you for the photograph which you were kind enough to send me some time ago. I shall make good use of this fine portrait. 

As I am setting my article in shape, it occurred to me that it would be very interesting for the people in India to know your views on Mr. Gandhi such as you expressed to me while on your way to Cedar Rapids. If you could possibly send me a paragraph or two, I shall appreciate it very much.

Thanking you ever much so, I am,

Cordially yours,

Sudhindra Bose [signed]
Dr. Sudhindra Bose

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