November 13, 1922
Dear Miss Addams
I am enclosing a comment from William H Short which he wrote out for me after a conversation. I feel it voices the sentiment of many men and women and it is well to consider it. A letter from Mrs. Mead indicates that Manley Hudson has something of the same feeling. This only confirms my feeling that we should be very definite in our suggestions at The Hague.
Mrs. Haines emphasizes the need of our putting in the paragraph in the resolutions which will give more opportunity to the young people of the world to express their ideals and to have an opportunity before they become cogs in the present economic system to take a more definite part in the government of their countries. I think it is a good point.
The enclosed gives rulings for appointments of delegates. I am writing everyone that the details will be worked out on the ship going over.
I am delighted to hear of the financial success and I think it is a wonderful demonstration of what really appeal can call forth. I am sorry that I shall not be able to wave you off in New York. I leave Wednesday for [Pittsburgh] and shall not get back to Washington before the first of December. I think that most of the organization work is over here, but if you need anything please write Miss Lucille Johnson.
Mrs. DuBois is thinking seriously of going over with the purpose of studying the youth movement with [Gertrude] Baer and returning to help in our educational work with high school and college young people.
Give my best love to all our European friends.
Cordially yours,
National Secretary.