Edward William Bok to Jane Addams, May 25, 1909



May twenty-fifth
Nineteen hundred
and nine

My dear Miss Addams:

You have written the woman suffrage article along the exact lines that I thought and hoped you would, and I shall be glad to give space is the magazine to the presentation of this side of the subject. I have no criticism whatever to offer, as you suggest, only congratulations on so completely pleasing an editor who does not believe in what you say:

You know we make our titles almost a matter of prayer in this office, and I wish you would let me call this article [page 2] "Why I Believe Women Should Vote". The use of the personal pronoun in a title is very effective in commanding attention. But, if you should object to that in this case, why not let us call it "Why Women Should Vote". Either will be satisfactory to me, with a preference for the first.

Later in the week I hope to reach your article on "The Bad Boy of the Street".

With sincere thanks, believe me

Very cordially yours,

Edward Bok [signed]

[page 3] As a matter of fact I would like to steal your title and call it "Woman Suffrage as Enlarged Housekeeping". But what interests me more is that you will try to write an article on the subject for us. That is a great pleasure to me and I shall be intensely interested in the reading of it. It is true, as you rightly conclude, that this article would have to be written on the chance of its failing to meet our purpose. Should that unfortunately happen, however, you could very easily send it to some other periodical that no doubt would be delighted to get it. But I should read it with nine leanings in its favor, ↑-- decided leanings, too!↓ [page 4]

Believe me

Very sincerely yours,

Edward Bok [signed]

Miss Jane Addams

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