Harry S. Mecartney to Alfred James Balfour, February 5, 1922



Chicago, February 5, 1922.

Hon. Alfred J. Balfour,
British Conference Delegation,
Washington, D.C.

The fidelity and support to the duly prescribed ordinances of the Conference, called for in your admirable address of yesterday, could be doubly assured were the Conference to adopt a flag appropriately symbolical of its full scope and object.

I am sure that the kindly acclaim which fittingly attends the meritorious work of the Conference, cannot blind statesmen of caliber to the sober fact that world peace is, of necessity, a [page 2] growth, must be attained step by step, and that a genuine world patriotism is its sole source of nourishment and of life.

This Conference has happily brought to our very horizon a world federation, and it would seem but timely for it to choose for the new sovereignty a flag truly emblematical of its offices and destiny.

The concept of a world federation suggests a world flag, as naturally as mention of the United States brings into view the Stars and Stripes, or as the name of Britain visualizes the Union Jack.

In furtherance of this specific call for a world flag, I have tendered the Conference, through Chairman Hughes, a flag design.

I have no doubt you have seen this flag and will be shown my letter of yesterday to Mr. Hughes and my exhaustive telegrams just sent President Harding and the American delegation.

(Signed) Harry S. Mecartney.