Chicago, Ill., Dec. 6, 1921.
My dear Miss Addams: --
I am glad that you reminded me and glad to enclose my check for $50.00 towards your work at Hull House.
I also have the note of Mr. Hawker in regard to Professor Cižek's exhibition of Viennese children's work. I have spoken to Mr. Harshe, the director of our Art Institute, and find that he is in communication with the proper people in New York, that he is much interested and sympathetic and has every expectation of having the exhibition out here. He has not yet been able to arrange the date or details. As a matter of fact, he wants to make this a part of a series of exhibitions of children's work along lines of art from various parts of the world and in various states of civilization -- quite an interesting idea.
I shall go to Room 1010, Fine Arts Building, to see the reproductions which you mention.
I return Mr. Hawker's letter herewith.
Believe me
Very sincerely yours,
Arthur T. Aldis [signed]
2 Enc.