David Bressler to Jane Addams, March 22, 1909

David Bressler to Jane Addams, March 22, 1909.jpg

March 22nd, 1909.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
335 So Halsted St,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:--

In answer to yours of the 18th inst I beg to say that I shall be pleased to read a paper on the Removal Office and its work. Will you be good enough to tell me how much time is to be allotted for my paper.

Since you use the term "labor exchange", perhaps I should call your attention to the fact that our Institution cannot properly be classed under that heading. For while we send laborers to every part of the country, it is with the idea very largely of relieving the congestion in New York and in line with this policy, we have in recent years done similar work ↑but↓ on a very much smaller scale however for the Jewish communities of Philadelphia and Boston.

Very sincerely yours,

General Manager.


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