Grace Abbott to Jane Addams, November 30, 1921


November 30, 1921.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
800 So. Halstead St.,
Chicago, Ill.

My Dear Miss Addams:

The Children's Bureau has been very grateful to you for your cooperation in serving as a member of the Honorary Committee formed at the request of the Belgian Ambassador in connection with the Second International Conference of Child Welfare which was held in Brussels last July. The names of the members were used in publicity regarding the conference, the primary purpose of the committee being to bring the Congress to the attention of travelers from the United States. The Belgian Government made no further requests upon the committee.

As a result of the conference an international association for the protection of children was formed with headquarters in Brussels. It was the hope that this association would serve as a clearing house of child welfare activities in the various countries. Individual membership in the association is 50 [francs] (about $3.75 at the present time). M. Henri [Velghe] is connected with the association and has written the Children's Bureau indicating his desire to receive information about child welfare activities in this country. I am sure that he would be very grateful for suggestions or information of any kind about child welfare activities. The address of the association is: International Association for the Protection of Children, 27 rue de Turin, Brussels. The organization plans to publish in an international bulletin for child welfare, laws and regulations bearing on subjects of child welfare in all countries, and notes with reference to congresses, conferences, undertakings of new pieces of work, etc.

Part of the proceedings of the Congress have been received in the bureau and summaries of certain sections have been made. I am enclosing herewith a translation of the list of resolutions passed.

There seems to be no necessity for the continuance of this American committee as such, but I am sure that any cooperation which you can give the International Association will be greatly appreciated.

Thanking you for your service in this matter, I am

Very truly yours,

Grace Abbott,