Dear Miss Addams
This booklet was written last December under great pressure. Having given me one month in which to write it, the publishers held it up till mid-October. Such is life.
It is scrappy but perhaps it is a delusion on my part to think that I might ↑could↓ have made it better.
You will let me know, won't you, when your book appears? I forgot to ask you who was to be the publisher.
Miss Marshall has been over in London & is being urged by Ll. George to come & have a "long talk" with him "about Europe." [page 2] I am reminded of a whimsical book called "Hustled History." He is rather like a wide jug with a hole in the bottom. He will take in all she says, but will he hold any of it?
We remove, I hope, into our new "International House" at the end of October when that will be our address, at 55 Gower Street, London, W.C. 1.
By 1923 we may have bedrooms!
My love to you & all good wishes. I hope you have rested from Europe.
Yours ever,
H. M. Swanwick.