James Grover McDonald to Álvaro Obregón, August 10, 1921 (draft)

Suggested Draft
(Not for publication)
H. [E.] Hon. Alvaro Obregón
President of Mexico
Mexico City, Mexico


This Association, during more than two years, has deeply concerned itself in the question of better relations between our country and yours. We have never been partisans of any group or faction in either country. We have consistently maintained that:

(1) Neither government has any right to interfere in the internal affairs of the other;

(2) The differences between the two governments are capable of peaceful adjudication.

Incidentally but persistently we have used [our utmost] efforts to counteract here whatever has seemed to have for its purpose a misrepresentation of conditions in Mexico.

In the hope of being of some slight service in the clearing up of possible misunderstandings, I, on behalf of this Association, am venturing to submit for your Excellency's consideration a copy of a confidential memorandum re: The Present Relations Between Mexico and the United States, recently submitted to the Executive Committee by its sub-Committee on Mexico.

With assurances of highest respect, I am


James G. McDonald