Dear Miss Addams --
Perhaps you would like to see a copy of the "letter" since you were good enough to endorse the "Russian Assistance," I am sending a copy to you as it is being sent out. If you think of any one who might be interested I should be glad to have their names -- or I will send some copies to you would care to send them [page 2] with your signature. We want to reach as many [cities?] as possible outside of Chicago which is suffering such a constant [drain].
The responses are very interesting. Many people taking the trouble to explain what they are doing, and making special effort to impress upon us that it is not lack of sympathy or interest that compels them to withhold support -- (not Germans -- they give). It is doing something for reconciliation (I find this desire expressing itself everywhere) and the special thing this particular plan will [page 3] do, is to give to the exhausted people of this class in Germany a sense of reassurance and sympathy -- in the realization that they have a real fellowship [over?] [who] understand their needs.
I am very much interested in Mr. Sachs' school. His ideas seem to me absolutely sound and he has an extraordinary gift for creation and organization. I shall be glad to be of use in any way possible. I have taken [page 4] three ["malshy"] women one specially and singly but no immediate results have followed. Mrs. [Lillie] is interested and sympathetic but is deeply involved in the Federated Press -- I had hopes of Paula Carus Barnes, but she has taken a husband and he has large plans in the Northwest -- so I can't tell what may come to us.
Sincerely yours
Eve Schütze
P.S. I think our exhibitions at the Modern Galleries which are to be held ↑during↓ the next year will be valuable for education. I've written [Norah] Hamilton about the plan.
E. S.