Jane Addams to Anita McCormick Blaine, April 25, 1921


April 25, 1921

Dear Mrs. Blaine:

May I send you the [enclosed] circular in regard to our plans for the summer and venture to ask you for a contribution.

You may recall that in 1919 generous women from all parts of the United States gave $15,000.00 which, with the contributions from women in other countries, was used for the Zurich Congress, and for the maintenance of the work since carried on from our international headquarters in Switzerland.

The Executive Committee of the International, at its last meeting in Geneva, estimated $10,000.00 as our share for the expenses of the next Congress, to be held in Vienna, and for the work of the League during the two following years. For this large sum we will again have to depend upon the voluntary contributions of our fellow-countrywomen who have faith in our cause.

Each delegate and alternate pays all of her own expenses and the money contributed is used solely for the official work of the International League. We have constant testimony from hard pressed groups of women in various European countries, of the refuge and inspiration which the Geneva office has afforded them, and of the eagerness with which they are anticipating the next Congress.

In addition to the above, the Section for the United States hopes to contribute to the expenses of two delegates at large, both from Mexico and from Japan, for which $2,000.00 more will be needed. We are also collecting a sum of $500.00 to be invested in Hoover food drafts for the use of students in the Salzburg School who come from the famine districts of Europe.

Checks for any of these purposes should be made out to "Jane Addams, President W.I.L.P.F.", and sent to Hull-House, Chicago.

Hoping that I am not presuming upon your unfailing courtesy in once again asking for your help in this international undertaking, I am

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

800 South Halsted] Street,
[Chicago, Illinois].