Force as Weapon Opposed, March 29, 1924



Washington Rally Hopes To End War by [Cooperation].

Chairman, Women's [International] League for Peace and Freedom

Written for Cosmopolitan News Service

NEW YORK, Mar. 29 -- Permanent peace is the hope of the women of twenty-seven countries who will meet in Washington May 1, at the fourth congress of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

The Women's [International] League for Peace and Freedom aims at peace through the organization and [cooperation] of women [in] all countries. The league [wishes to] promote three things:

1 -- The creation of international relations of mutual [cooperation] and good will in which all wars shall be impossible.


2. -- The establishment of political, social and moral equality between men and women.

3 -- The introduction of these principles into all systems of education.

The league is a friend of women firmly established with [organized] sections in twenty-one [countries] and individual members [scattered] from Iceland to Fiji. Its [members] believe that nations are not [obligated] to choose between violence [and] passive acceptance of unjust [conditions] for themselves and [others.] They believe that courage, more power, active good will and determination will achieve their end without violence.

They are of the opinion that experience and history [condemn] force as a weapon, that no [war] fought to end war has accomplished its purpose and that the unguarded boundary between [Canada] and the United States has been [the] world's most successful [guarantee] of peace. 

The women who will meet [in] Washington believe that new methods, free from violence can [and] must be worked out for [ending] abuse, undoing wrongs and achieving positive good.


We have already received [the] names of delegates elected by [our] sections in Holland, France, [England], Belgium, [Czechoslovakia,] Bulgaria, Denmark, Greece, [Hungary], Austria, Italy, Ireland, [Norway], Poland, Sweden, [Australia,] Syria, [Ukraine]. We have also [been] assured of representatives [from] Japan, China, India, Mexico, [Uruguay], Argentina and Haiti. 

Many of these delegates are [able] and distinguished women who [missing word] have extremely interesting [things] to say. These visitors from [all?] parts of the globe will [present] studies of [actual] conditions [abroad.] This will [be?] followed by a [discussion] of methods of breaking [through] the present deadlock and of [conditions] under which permanent [peace] may be created. 

Much discussion will be given education by means of which hope to overcome inherited ill [will?] and nationalistic prejudices. [Nevertheless] we realize that much [must?] be done in addition to [educating?] children. The best education [for?] young people is the example [missing word] them by their elders, which [missing word] see in the world around them. 

Too often people are tempted [to?] shovel the burden of a [reform?] change onto the next [generation] the form of education. [Something] must be done to lay the [foundation] of a lasting peace here and [missing word.] What is more fitting than that women of the world, who [instinctively?] dread war, should [cooperate?] in an effort to begin the great [missing word.] [page 2]   


After the congress, our [foreign] delegates are going on a [special] train, the "Pax Special," [from] Washington to the Summer [School] in Chicago, living on the train, [attending?] meetings at Philadelphia, [Pittsburgh], Baltimore, Cincinnati, [and?] Indianapolis. 

After the Summer School, [missing word] will hold its last session May [3?] special will carry the delegates [missing word] again, stopping at other cities. [missing word] coast will be reached in time [for?] the Europeans to take [passage] the early part of June. 

The importance of this [congress] cannot easily [be] estimated. [missing word] the world is longing for peace [missing word] desire for which torments man like an unappeased thirst.