Caroline Mary Townshend to Jane Addams, January 24, 1921

Hotel Martha Washington
New York.

Jan. 24. 21

My dear Miss Addams,

I cannot tell you how grateful I feel to you for the very extreme kindness which you [showed] us during our visit to Washington. I shall never forget that lovely drive we had -- so refreshing & invigorating -- & I am so glad to have seen so much of the beautiful city. I have not taken to New York at all!

I am truly sorry we had not a little more time to talk with you, as I have thought since I saw you of one or two points I should have liked to have brought to your notice. One in particular is the financial question between England & Ireland. Mr George Russell has well said (i e A. E.) "He who holds my purse holds my destiny" & to my mind that is the crux of the whole thing. Unless we have the control of our money we are helpless. I dare say you saw the letter Mr G. Russell wrote on the subject to the "Chicago Tribune," some months ago.

I have been looking forward for years to come to Boston in connection with Irish affairs & I [page 2] [have?] now this wonderful opportunity. I hope later to let you know the successful result of my visit.

With renewed thanks

Believe me
Sincerely yours

Caroline M. Townshend

P. S.

I hope to go on to Boston tomorrow.

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