June 3, 1920
My dear Miss Addams:
By all means do send us all the material that your committee for relief of Russian women and children issue. Mr. Bliven's article reviewing our volume of Russian documents and papers gives us hope that it may be generally useful as a means of convincing our people of the futility and cruelty of the blockade.
Among other things Mr. Levine said the following of the volume: "If a book of facts possessed the power to undo the harm done by false press reports, then the volume of documents on RUSSIAN-AMERICAN RELATIONS, edited by William Allen White, J. A. Ryan and J. H. Scattergood, would destroy a hundred monstrous myths still in general circulation about the Russian revolution and the Soviet Government...Moreover, the facts as now revealed by the RUSSIAN-AMERICAN RELATIONS are sensational...
"There are many more startling disclosures contained in this volume...but to enumerate them all would be outside of the scope of this article. If our statesmen and publicists, so fond of delivering long orations on Russia, could be persuaded to study the book; if our editors and Washington correspondents could be made to read some of the documents collected here, perhaps we would not be the last country in the world to resume relations with the great republic of Russia.
"By issuing this volume the League of Free Nations Association has contributed considerably toward the eradication of the stain with which history will mark our government for its policy toward the Russian revolution."
Very sincerely yours,