There will be an informal luncheon conference of the Executive Committee, the National Council and a few others persons at the Midday Club, 25 Broad Street, this city, at 12:45, on April 9, to discuss the possible next steps to be taken by our Government or people in view of the defeat of the treaty and the actual and impending catastrophic economic disintegration of Europe.
Following are a few suggestions for discussion:
1. Should Congress declare peace by resolution?
2. Should President Wilson return the Treaty of Versailles to the Senate with a constructive statement of reservations which he would accept?
3. Should the President undertake the negotiation of a separate peace with Germany?
4. Failing any one of the above three measures, or possibly in conjunction with any one of them, what measures of economic and financial cooperation with the European governments and peoples ought be urged?
We would appreciate knowing, if possible because April 7, whether you will be able to attend.