Jany 15/20
My Dear Miss Addams --
When in Chicago yesterday I noticed a "special wire" from Rockford regarding the remark of one, Charles Wesley Ferguson -- that made me smile. This A.M. I gathered up the clippings from our own papers, & am sending them on. It is always well to be fully advised "in the premises," so to speak. Just remember this, -- the harangue of Ferguson was the expression of just one man & sometimes he changes his mind. This war hysteria, -- unrest & suspicion of our alien neighbor will all blow away in the sunlight of practical [thought], and sane reasoning. My slogan to Ferguson et al. is "Keep your shirt on." Furthermore, I want you to know this, -- there is not a woman upon the American people [today] more loved & honored than yourself -- the best part of it is -- you deserve it --
Faithfully Your Friend
Kate O'Connor