Jane Addams to Wilbur Kelsey Thomas, January 10, 1920


January 10th, 1920

My dear Mr. Thomas:

I am enclosing a letter from Mr. Rubens, formerly a prominent member of the German-American Relief Society. A collection of more than five thousand dollars was taken up at the meeting at which I spoke and they called me later to say that thirty-five thousand dollars had been sent direct ↑but↓ I think the underlined statement indicates the state of mind in regard to our fund.

I was sorry to decline the organizing work but I am so tied up with other activities and even speaking engagements that it would be impossible for me to do the situation justice. Miss Abbott is also willing to do occasional speaking and Miss Hamilton, as you know, returns to Hull-House the first of February. I think among us all, including Prof. Allee and others, we could form something of a local committee.

The Austrian Committee, of which I am a member ↑here,↓ has engaged the services of a young man who organized the YMCA drives during the war very successfully. He is in touch with the Chambers of Commerce [page 2] and other donation giving bodies throughout this section of the country and has drawn up some very interesting plans for the securing of funds. I believe some such person might be secured to do the actual organizing unless you have someone from your own office to suggest.

We are gradually placing our literature and I am very glad indeed to have it on hand.

Hoping to see Miss Wood or her brother very soon, I am

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]