December 17, 1919
Dear Miss Addams:
Miss Lathrop suggested that I write you in regard to the bureau's plans for two "regional conferences" on legislation for the protection of children born out of wedlock, one to be held in New York and one in Chicago, early in February. I know you will be interested in this effort to secure consideration of the need for improving legislation for the protection of these children, and we are going to venture to look to you for assistance and inspiration in connection with the Chicago meeting.
I enclose herewith a preliminary statement of the plans which will give you an idea of the purpose and plans; and also a preliminary outline of the program for the two days' sessions. In its present form the program looks somewhat crowded, but we expect to get it into workable shape a considerable time before the date of the conference.
Would it be possible for you to present before the Chicago meeting the paper indicated under "2" -- "what should be the aim and scope of legislation for the protection of children born out of wedlock?" If you feel that the time limit is too long or too short, we shall be glad to adjust it accordingly, and should, of course, be able to make a change in the topic to suit your wishes.
I expect to be in Chicago immediately after January 1st and should appreciate having a brief interview with you on the general subject of the conference plans and purposes.
Respectfully yours,
Director, Social Service Division