Jane Addams to Alice Thacher Post, January 9, 1919


January 9th, 1919

Dear Mrs. Post:

I am enclosing a copy of the letter to Dr. Jacobs which I will send to her on January tenth unless I hear from any one of the "five" by telegram of changes or corrections which she thinks ought to be made. I am also sending a copy of this to the foreign list -- members of the International Committees and National Sections. The copy of the other letter enclosed is to our own delegates.

Dorothy North, who has just returned, thought that Madame Duchene had excellent connections with the Labor and Socialist groups in France and would be a most effective center for our delegates. I do hope that you and Mrs. Mead are securing your passports. With Mrs. Andrews, Mabel [Kittredge], and possibly the return of Dorothy North, we would have an excellent group. I am constantly communicating with Mrs. Robins and Agnes Nestor in regard to their plans. If women are not represented in the Labor Congress, the Women's Trade Union League would try for a separate conference that ↑which↓, I hope, would then cooperate with us.

Could you find out quite definitely from the State Department whether or not Germans are forbidden in Paris during the negotiations? Judge Mack thought there was no doubt of it, but if we had an official decision we might then begin at once to try for a smaller conference of allied and neutral women. I could send out such cables within a few days after ↑sending↓ the [illegible] ↑results of the vote.↓

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]