Jane Addams to William Edward Dodd, January 27, 1919


January 27th, 1919

My dear Mr. Dodd:

I am very grateful to you for the opportunity to see the enclosed letters. The one from Paris confirms the impression I always have when talking to the Colonel -- of real insight and understanding. Evidently the situation is changing for the better. I am enclosing a letter from Mr. Howe, written earlier but it may interest you as the impression of an outsider, although as Commissioner of Immigration, he might have a slight official standing.

I am enclosing a list of engagements I have lately met for speaking on the League of Nations. The "farmers" have been quite delightful and I have found the keenest interest everywhere. I believe that if we could have covered the entire country from end to end with enthusiastic speakers, that the Senate itself [page 2] would have been "melted down."

Thanking you for the opportunity of reading the letters which, of course, I regard as confidential.

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]