September 14, 1907.
My dear Mr. Bok:
Since the appearance of my article in the Journal, I have received many protests from my trade-union friends in regard to the union conditions in the [Curtis] Publishing Company. I know nothing about the matter personally, but there seems to be a strong feeling about it among trade union people.
I am moved to send you the enclosed post card which was received this afternoon. There are so many thousands of trade unionists in the United States that certainly many of them would be reading the Ladies' Home Journal and it seems a pity that the union conditions might not be complied with.
I have written to the writer of the post-card that I do not believe the boycott applies to books and periodicals, although I sympathize with his feeling.
Feeling sure that you will understand the spirit in which I have brought your attention to the matter, I am
Sincerely yours,
Jane Addams. [signed]
Mr. Edward Bok,
Editor Ladies' Home Journal,
Philadelphia, Pa.