December 27, 1918
Dear Miss Addams:
I remember your telling me when I was in Chicago that you were hoping to be able to come over here in the near [future.] I have been here for ten days and while I [cannot] speak with any knowledge of your [program] I do want to tell you that for the present at least there is nothing doing that would seem to me to justify your coming. I have met a great many people in whom you would have confidence and who are close to affairs and no one has any idea of when negotiations will begin or how they are to be carried on. There is confusion in ideals and in organization and from all that I can learn the kind of opportunity that you want may not open up for many months to come. Now this is only opinion. The president may be pushing matters along faster than anybody knows and the commission may get to work as soon as he leaves. But up to date there is no hook that I can find on which to hang a plea, a memorial or even a presentation of a claim. The American organization has not settled down. There is no suggestion of anything definite and many of the men whom I meet feel rather depressed at the outlook. That may be due to their complete ignorance of what is going on but that is the impression of newspaper men as well.
At any rate I am sending you these suggestions for what they are worth. In addition the weather is bad, the hotels are packed, prices are staggering [and] there is nothing much to do but sit around in cold hotels. [page 2]
I had some pretty well worked out ideas that I hoped to present but for the life of me I don't know where to present them or to [whom] to go who has any authority to receive them.
I presume everybody is waiting on the British election returns and the endings of the Italian and British receptions to the President.
Very sincerely yours,
Frederic C. Howe [signed]