Annexation--Questions for the American Group, ca. November 1918


(The numbers refer to the pages in Pamphlet No. I.)

1. Do you disapprove of the "rights of conquest?"

P. 23-4.

2. Should annexation or transfer be according to:


a. Race? b. Language? c. Religion?

P. 24.

d. History? e. Geography? f. Industry?

P. 24-5.

g. The Plebiscite?

P. 25-6.

3. If you disapprove of the Plebiscite, state concisely why.

P. 26-8.

4. Is "lack of civilization" an insuperable obstacle to the Plebiscite? Or do you agree that it can be overcome in the way indicated?

 P. 28-9.

5. Are the answers to the other four difficulties or exceptions to the Plebiscite satisfactory to you? If not, why?

P. 30-1.

6. Are any of the eight rules for taking the Plebiscite unsatisfactory to you? Which, and why?

 P. 32-4.

7. What other or better rules would you suggest?

8. Do you accept the three statements as to American opinion in regard to international control of the Plebiscite? If not, with which of these do you disagree? Why?

P. 34-5.

9. What important aspects of the question have been omitted in the American Report?

President Wilson, in his Address to the Senate, January 22, 1917, declared: "No peace can last or ought to last, which does not recognize and accept the principle that governments derive all their just powers from the consent of the governed, and that no right anywhere exists to hand peoples about from sovereignty to sovereignty as if they were property." In his Message to Congress, February 11, 1918, he said: "Every territorial settlement involved in this war must be made in the interest and for the benefit of the populations concerned, and not as a part of any mere adjustment or compromise of claims among rival states." (This last is one of his "Eighteen Points" accepted by Germany.)


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