Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Eva Perry Moore, May 2, 1918


May 2nd, 1918.

Mrs. [Philip] Moore,
3125 Lafayette Ave.,
St. Louis, Missouri.

My dear Mrs. Moore:

Miss Addams has been away for some time on a speaking trip for the Food Administration in California, and therefore, the answer to your letter of April 16th has been delayed.

It is possible that the Executive Board meeting of the Woman's Peace Party will be held some time in June, in that case, the resolutions formed by the Association of Collegiate Alumnae would be presented at that time. In case however, the board does not meet in June and this matter is now under consideration, the meeting will not be held until fall, and as this may be too late to take up the question of the resolutions, it would still be possible to prevent these resolutions by writing to the various members of the board and secure their consideration in this way.

I am writing to Mrs. Gertrude S. Martin in reference to this matter.

Very sincerely yours,

Executive Secretary.