April 30th, 1918
My dear Mrs. Lloyd:
I am sorry to refuse anything you ask, but I happen to know that Colonel House thinks it better not to have "pacifists" identified with his research work and I therefore feel that there would be little chance for your brother.
There is another reason which I cannot write about but would be glad to tell you some time, why I cannot send you a letter of introduction. I am sure you will trust my good intentions in the matter.
I am getting this off hastily as I am leaving for the General Federation of [Women's] Clubs at Hot Springs, Arkansas. I want to thank you once more for all your kindness to me at San Antonio. It was a great pleasure to me also to meet your sister and I hope I shall have an opportunity to see you both some time at Hull-House.
With affectionate greetings to all the Kelley family and with sincere regret not to be of use to your brother with whose position I am, of course, most sympathetic, I am,
Faithfully yours,
Jane Addams [signed]
↑P.S. If Mr Maverick could show that his material was valuable it might make it but why not see Mr Hudson or some of the others first?↓