Samuel Northrup Harper to Jane Addams, June 16, 1918


Sunday, June 16, 1918

Dear Miss Addams:

I have been called East, to assist in launching the campaign of the League to Aid and Cooperate with Russia. They wish to launch it in Washington first, and then start the nation-wide campaign. At last the approval of the State Department has been secured, though this fact is to be confidential for the moment.

I hope to be back before any local work has to be done. But in case I cannot make it. I shall let you know. This evening I went over the list with Dr. Post. In view of Chenery's departure Dr. Post and myself thought it would be a good idea to put Harold Swift on the smaller committee. Dr. Post will speak to him tomorrow. If it is decided to organize the local committee here in Chicago before I return, you can put some one on the committee [typed in the left margin] to take my place, though perhaps you, Dr. Yarros, Dr. Post and Harold Swift will be enough.

Raymond Robins arrives in a few days now, and comes straight on to Chicago. It is possible that he will refuse to talk until he has reported in Washington. But if he could be persuaded to talk to the group that was gathered a week ago, it might be most useful, to consolidate them. I mentioned this to Dr. Post, who will know when Robins arrives.

I shall let you hear from me as soon as I learn definitely the plan of procedure adopted by the Committee of the League. Judging from the last letters, the policy not to push Washington too hard can now be altered, to a more active pressure. But caution is urged; evidently the situation in Russia requires this, though it also demands action as soon as possible.

Yours very sincerely