Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Edith Paulina Hubbart, September 7, 1917


September 7th, 1917.

My dear Miss [Hubbart]:

You will be disappointed not to receive a letter from Miss Addams; -- she is not in the city just now and has been for some time. I cannot tell you, of course, what her view of the whole situation is, but I am sending you under separate cover a copy of an address which she recently gave in Chicago, and am including with this some other material published by the Woman's Peace Party which, I believe, will interest you.

The article by Miss Addams gives as definitely as anything can her attitude in reference to the war and I believe you will greatly enjoy this.

Very sincerely yours,

Office Secretary

Miss Edith P. [Hubbart],
450 S. Charter St.,
Monticello, Iowa.