Shailer Mathews to Jane Addams, June 28, 1917

The University of Chicago
The Divinity School


June 28, 1917

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

I have your note relative to the meeting of the Fellowship of Reconciliation on June 29th. It will not be possible for me to be present at that meeting, so I want to add a word as to my own attitude in the matter.

I believe heartily in furthering all Christian agencies looking toward the establishment of those just relations which may make peace permanent. I cannot believe, however, that any agitation that would tend to weaken the defense of our country against the German program is advisable. If I understand the Fellowship of Reconciliation it does not plan such agitation.

It would be a tragedy if those of us who are working for the same ultimate end should lose confidence in one another because of a different estimate as to our country's immediate duty.

Sincerely yours,

Shailer Mathews [signed]

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