June 27th 1917
Dear Miss Addams:
I have your communication of the 25 and am glad to take it up with the organization mentioned. It is a very new organization born of the war and its leader a woman who hasn't much respect in the community. I am very glad to have the facts in connection with the episode which I of course [page 2] knew had been misrepresented in the Press. I am also exceedingly glad to have a copy of your address wish I might have several to distribute as it is so fine. I wish you were well enough to give it in person to all the large Boards of Commerce it should go far to creating an intelligence toward Internationalism which alas is sadly lacking. I am hoping to attend the Conference in Chicago July 7 [&] 8th at which time I may see you if you are still in town.
Always devotedly
Lillian Holt.