Jane Addams to Julia Clifford Lathrop, June 26, 1917


June 26th, 1917.

My dear J. Lathrop:

I have known Mr. Powlison ever since our old Child Welfare exhibit so long ago. His Child Exhibit has always seemed to me very graphic and well done and the group of people he is working with in New York and elsewhere absolutely all right.

I gave my name because I seem to be obliged to withhold it from almost everything nowadays and this was something I felt I could cooperate with.

I hope it is all right but I have to admit that my knowledge is a little sketchy.

I wish I might be seeing you soon. Mary and I will probably not open our house this summer at Bar Harbor. I will spend a few weeks with Mrs. Bowen in July and then come back for some visits here.

Always devotedly yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Miss Julia Lathrop,
Department of Labor,
Children's Bureau,
Washington, D.C.