Samuel Train Dutton to Jane Addams, January 16, 1917

The World's Court League, Inc.

January 16, 1917.

Miss Jane Addams,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

Many societies and individuals have attempted to answer the question, What can be done after this war ends to render the recurrence of such a calamity less likely, if not impossible?

In all the answers, one constant factor is a demand for the submission of disputes between nations to international tribunals. The establishment of a World Court is, therefore, the cornerstone of all plans for a better organization of the world, and such an institution is inevitably associated with the beginnings already made in two World Conferences at The Hague. Finally, the prime necessity is the creation of a strong public opinion to advocate and insure the supremacy of international justice.

The World's Court League has been organized in order to concentrate all available resources and influence upon this one central need of an international tribunal, strongly sustained by public sentiment. In the furtherance of this purpose, the League asks for the approval and active cooperation of men and women eminent in public and professional life, who will consent to become members of its National Advisory Board. Dr. Albert Shaw has already accepted the Chairmanship of this Board. Members of the Board can assist the League:

(a) by advocating its principles whenever opportunity offers;

(b) by helping to secure publicity for its plans and appeals;

(c) by promoting the usefulness of the journal published monthly by the League, and sent to every member, a specimen copy of which is forwarded to you under separate cover;

(d) by bringing at critical moments all available legitimate influence to bear upon representatives of the people and other officers of government in order to secure favorable action upon proposals for the establishment and maintenance of a world court, a world council, and a world conference.

(e) by giving from time to time to the officers of the League the benefit of suggestion and counsel.

With these ends in view, the Board of Governors of the World's Court League cordially invites you to join the League, if not already a member, and, to become also a member of its National Advisory Board, and thus to aid in establishing and perpetuating International Peace with Justice under Law.

Sincerely yours,

Samuel T. Dutton [signed]
General Secretary.