Degree for Jane Addams, May 31, 1904



Settlement Worker Soon to Be Made Doctor of Laws.

University of Wisconsin Offers the Honor to the Chicago Woman.

This Previously Conferred on None but Professionals.

Annual Commencement in June to Be the Time of the Ceremony.

Jane Addams, "head resident of Hull house," one of the most widely known philanthropists of Chicago, has been selected by the University of Wisconsin for the honorary degree of LL.D. It is the first offer of such a distinction that has come to Miss Addams. It is the first time that the University of Wisconsin has offered such an honor to any but practicing lawyers.

Miss Addams is not known as a lawyer nor as a professional of any sort. The only degree she has thus far had a right to append to her signature is that of a bachelor of arts, a diploma conferred upon her by Rockford college, where she graduated in 1881.

The degree of doctor of laws will be conferred on Miss Addams on the fifth day of the commencement exercises, June 9, at Madison. She was notified two weeks ago that she had been chosen from a long list for this distinction and two days ago she wrote the university authorities that she would accept the degree.

Feels Honored by Selection.

"I can say nothing about it except that I feel highly honored by my selection and that I have accepted," said Miss Addams last night. "It is a purely honorary degree, and so far as I know, I am not expected to make a speech or say anything on the occasion. Indeed, I want to be sure that if anything is said about it the public shall be given to understand that the announcement does not come from me. I have not said anything about it to anybody, nor can I say more now than to admit that I have been nominated for the degree and that I have gratefully accepted it."

The exercises at the University of Wisconsin on June 9 will begin in the Armory, the academic procession leading thence to the Auditorium, where Former President Thomas C. Chamberlain, now of the University of Chicago, will address the graduate and students. Carl Schurz, formerly regent of the university, and Principal William Peterson of McGill university will also address the assemblage preceding the bestowal of degrees. 

New President at School.

On the third day of commencement exercises, which begin June 5, President Van Hise, the newly elected head of the university, will be inaugurated. On this occasion President William R. Harper of the University of Chicago is to be the orator of the day, speaking to the graduates on behalf of "Sister Universities." Governor Robert M. La Follette will speak for the state of Wisconsin, and William F. Vilas of the class of '58, Congressman John J. Esch of the class of '82, Professor F. J. Turner of '84, Eben R. Minaham of 1905 and State Superintendent of Public Schools Charles P. Cary will deliver addresses.

Jane Addams was born in Cedarville, Ill., Sept. 6, 1860. After graduating from college she spent two years of study in Europe, from 1883 to 1885. She returned to Philadelphia, where for three years more she prosecuted further researches in the line of sociological and philanthropic inquiry.

In 1889, with Miss Ellen Gates Starr, she opened the Social Settlement of Hull House. She has been street and alley inspector in the neighborhood of Hull house. She has lectured in all parts of the United States. Hull house, which developed under her direction, has been made the model and the working example of many similar institutions in all parts of Europe.