Edwin Robert Anderson Seligman to Jane Addams, April 26, 1902



April 26/1902

My dear Miss Addams,

I have just finished reading your new book, & cannot refrain from sending you my sincere congratulations. It is long since I have read so sane and so inspiring a book. There are but two women in the world who could have written so remarkable a work–-Mrs. [page 2] Webb and yourself. And although you may not relish the remark I must add that no other book by a woman shows such virility—such masculinity of mental grasp and surefootedness.

The cultural theme—the necessity of a social basis for all moral advance--is so entirely in harmony with my own views that I could not but gloat over the way in which you so deftly showed the caprice & [the?] inadequacy of the thought [page 3] of most of the accredited authorities of [today].

Your book will be helpful to the theorist and the practical worker alike.

With kind regards
Yours sincerely
Edwin R A Seligman

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