Richard Theodore Ely to Jane Addams, October 31, 1902


Oct. 31, 1902.

Miss Jane Addams,
335 S. Halsted St.,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

I should very much like to see your book "Democracy and Social Ethics" used in the reading circles connected with the women's clubs.  There are a good many of these circles or classes.  I have already written to one or two persons about it, but do not know that I have, so far, accomplished much.  Can you give me any suggestions concerning an effective way of bringing the book before the women's clubs of the country?  Advertising I do not think is sufficient, nor do I believe that circulars are sufficient.  We must get at the right kind of people to take hold of it personally.  I should be very glad to act upon any suggestions which you may give me, and I, of course, would make no use of your name.  It seems to me it would be very helpful in every way, if the women's clubs generally [could] be gotten to give serious attention to your book.

Faithfully yours,

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