October 21st, 1916.
My dear Miss Warren:
I take great pleasure in sending you under separate cover some material in reference to the work of the Women's Peace Party and am including in this a copy of the Wisconsin Peace Plan -- "A Mediation without Armistice" by Julia Grace Wales. I am also enclosing the later edition called "Continuous Mediation without Armistice."
I am including in this package a pamphlet in reference to the International Congress of Women at The Hague and would call special attention to the Resolution adopted by this Congress. I would also call special attention to the Program of the Woman's Peace Party, which will give you more clearly than anything else an idea of our work. I am enclosing a leaflet by G. Lowes Dickinson, giving a plan for an International League and also a copy of a leaflet issued by the League to Enforce Peace, giving an outline of their work. If you [illegible] on Projects for World Peace, I think you would be interested in these various schemes.
I am enclosing also an article by Dr. George Nasmyth which outlines the program of the various organizations which have been founded since the beginning of the war. This is such a careful analysis and arrangement of the programs of the various organizations that I am sure it will be useful for your paper. I am enclosing herewith an application blank for membership in the Woman's Peace Party. Perhaps you will find someone interested enough in this work to care to join, or possibly your club would care to affiliate with the Woman's Peace Party. The enclosed copy of the Constitution will explain how this may be done. It would mean an expression of sympathy with the work of the Woman's Peace Party and would involve the annual payment of $5.00 into the National Treasury. Individual members at large pay $1.00 into the National Treasury.
Please do not hesitate to write me again of we can be of any further help. I do not mean to urge you or your organization to join the Women's Peace Party, and whether or not you decide to do so, we would be greatly interested in knowing how your paper works out. I am enclosing also a copy of a bibliography which we had printed for distribution at the General Federation of Women's Clubs in New York this summer. We distributed about ten thousand of these [page 2] and a number of club women have written for additional copies. I am also enclosing a copy of a letter which our National Secretary, Mrs. Mead, sent out last spring to the State and District Presidents of the Federation of Women's Clubs urging work along this line for the clubs this winter.
With best wishes for the success of your paper, I am
Sincerely yours,
Office Secretary