National Public Ownership League Membership Application, June 1916


Date _____________

Carl D. Thompson,
4131 N. Keeler Av.,
Chicago, Ill.

This is to signify that I desire to be enrolled as a member of the

National Public Ownership League

Enclosed find $        , my contribution to the Temporary Organization Fund for the purpose of paying the expenses of getting the League organized and the work carried forward until a national conference may be called and a permanent organization effected.

You may also use my name in issuing the call for the national conference and a permanent organization.

Name ______________________
Address _______________________

Note: It is suggested that from $2,000 to $3,000 will be required to meet the expense of launching the organization and conducting its work during the preliminary stage.

Five hundred paying $1 <2.00> each,
Two [hundred paying] $5 [each],
Fifty [hundred paying] $10 [each],

and a few paying larger amounts would meet the need for the present.

Item Relations


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