Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Jane Addams, June 23, 1916


June 23rd, 1916.

My dear Miss Addams:

I am sending you under separate cover two copies of Norman Angell's recent book "The Dangers of Half Preparedness," and also one copy of that issue of the Congressional Record which contains the article by Maximilian Harden on "The Real Wilson." Mrs. Thompson asked me to send you these two copies of Norman Angell's book.

I have also tried to secure a copy of Dr. Jordan's last publication containing the material on military training in the schools to be sent to Mr. Walter Fisher, but this book has not yet been received at McClurgs. They expect it in a week and I will send a copy to Mr. Fisher as soon as it is received here.

I had a most enthusiastic letter from Mrs. Thomas this morning in reference to her University of Illinois trip. We expect her back tomorrow.

We were all very glad that the weather was so favorable on the day you traveled and I hope the trip was not a hard one.

Most sincerely yours,

Office Secretary

Miss Jane Addams,
Bar Harbor, Maine.