Anti-Enlistment Pledge
I, being over eighteen years of age, hereby pledge myself against enlistment as a volunteer for any military or naval service in international war, offensive or defensive, and against giving my approval to such enlistment on the part of others.
Please forward pledge to Anti-Enlistment League, 61 Quincy Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.
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Anti-Enlistment League
In view of the fact that the advocates of armament are gathering in leagues of defense those who hold themselves ready to serve their country by killing other men, it seems that the time has come for a roll-call of those of us who are prepared to serve our country by a refusal to engage in or endorse the murder called war.
The establishment of a new peace society is not contemplated, but rather the banding together in a personal policy of those whose opposition to war has become unconditional. Women, as well as men, are invited to enroll as refusing their approval to enlistment; but we ask the support of no persons who have not carefully weighed the arguments concerning war both offensive and defensive.