Secretary to Jane Addams to M. Belle Brown, March 31, 1915


March 31, 1915.

My dear Dr. Brown:-

Your letter to Miss Addams has been referred to me for answer.

When it came she was greatly absorbed by her sister's illness, which terminated fatally, and has now taken up the correspondence which accumulated at that time.

She asks me to thank you for your kind offer of a seasick remedy, and to say that while she has never used anything of this kind, she would be very happy to accept a package from you if you care to send it, and possibly it may be of value to some member of the party going to The Hague.

I am enclosing a Call for this Congress, which may interest you. I suppose you know Miss Addams is to preside over it.

Sincerely yours,

M. Belle Brown, M.D.,
Troy, Miami County, Ohio.

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