Katharine B. Blauvelt and Mary Light Ogle to Jane Addams, ca. 1916

↑Mrs. Geo. F. B. Blauvelt
64 Mitchell Bldg.

Kenton County Equal Franchise Association

Covington, Ky.,
Miss Jane Addams,
President, Peace Commission
Chicago, Ill.

WHEREAS, Life is the activity of the world since it produces food, clothing and happiness, and by taking life and destroying the wealth of the world, we take that which cannot be returned, therefore desiring the peaceful pursuit of happiness, the women of our country are lifting their voices against the cruel war now raging over so great a part of the civilized world, it seems but right that the Kenton County Equal Franchise Association should add its protest.

THEREFORE, Be it resolved that the Association deplores the inventions and methods of modern warfare:

That it deeply sympathizes with the helpless women and children hurled into such depths of woe through the greed and passion of man:

That it heartily endorses President Wilson's efforts to maintain a neutral position, leaving this country free to negotiate for peace:

And that it will work with increasing effort to bring about the time when men and women, united and equal in all things, shall sit in council devising plans for settling national difficulties in a way that makes for peace and righteousness.

WHEREAS The women of the warring nations are appealing to all the women of the United States to put a stop to the cruel [destructive] wars, we implore President Wilson and Congress to make a law that no food, clothing or ammunition shall be shipped to the warring nations; that peace must be the price of any commodity.

Mary Light Ogle, Cor Sec. [signed]

Katharine Blauvelt, Pres. [signed]

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