Jane Addams to Aletta Henriëtte Jacobs, July 17, 1915


Bar Harbor, Maine.

July 17. 1915

My dear Dr. Jacobs: --

I have delayed writing you day by day hoping to make a report after I had seen the President. The appointment to see him, however, has been delayed, because he has been on a vacation and has an invariable rule that he will not receive callers save at the White House. In the meantime I have been visiting my friend who is ill and have not yet returned to Chicago. We had a rousing meeting in New York on the week of our return. I am sending you a copy of the speech I made there, from which it will be easy to make extracts for the report, although I will, if you like, write out something shorter and more definite after I see Miss Balch.

I leave for Chicago in a day or two where a large public meeting has been arranged for. There is the keenest interest everywhere on the subject of the intervention of the neutral nations, and I am, of course, most eager to have the report from the Scandinavian countries. Pres. Wilson understands that I am seeing him informally  [page 2] <and that> the full Committee is to be received later. I am enclosing a list of the people I saw during my last week in England, adding a few of the others that we might wish to keep for reference.

It seems a long time since we parted so hurriedly in London, and I find it difficult not to have the opportunity which we planned for to go over the whole situation in Holland.

I had a very nice visit with Mrs. Catt in New York, and Dr. Shaw presided over our Carnegie Hall meeting. There is no doubt in the mind of the American public of the connection between suffrage and our meeting.

With cordial greeting to Miss Manus and the others,

Always affectionately,

Jane Addams. [signed]