Inter-Governmental, International, Inter-Organizational, Inter-Protestant, Inter-Catholic, Inter-Denominational, Inter-Capital and Labor, Inter-Profit sharing, Inter-Political, Inter-Educational, Inter-Evangelistic,
OFFERING FREE [COOPERATIVE] WORLD MEMBERSHIP to Both Sexes, all ages, all classes, all organizations, all occupations, all colors, all nationalities, EVERYWHERE.
The "Universal Fatherhood of God," "Universal Brotherhood of Mankind," "Universal Authority of God's Word," "Equal Rights of Capital and Labor," "Equal Rights of the Sexes," and "General Welfare of the Masses, Rather Than Favors Shown to Special Classes."
The plans were Inaugurated Labor Day, September 6, 1915, at Bay View Camp Ground, Bay View, Michigan, U.S.A., and issued at Ford, Canada, and at Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A., simultaneously, for "World General Welfare" Distribution, October 1st, 1915.
For Further Information See Additional World General Welfare Bulletins. World Anti-War-Department, Bulletins Nos. 1 and 2 now ready. Address -- World General Welfare Correspondence Bureau, Ford, Canada, or Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.
- Wise Statesmanship.
- Just [Cooperation] and Just Rulers.
- Unselfish Profit Sharing.
- General Economy.
- Lower Taxation.
- Lessened Cost of the Necessities of Life.
- Wise Intellectual Culture.
- Healthful Foods and Drinks.
- Increased General Health.
- Good Habits Formed.
- World Peace Secured.
- Christ's Teachings Practiced.
- Ignorance and Idleness.
- Selfishness, Bad Habits, Prostitution.
- The Unwise Use of Habit-Forming Intoxicants, Narcotics and Drugs.
- Militarism and War.
- Lust for Power.
- Greed and Graft.
- Saloon and Selfish Politics.
- Sabbath Desecration and Profanity.
- Neglect of Church Attendance.
- False Religions.
- Disobedience to God's Laws.
Which Side Are You Now On? Which Side Do You Now Choose for the Future?
- That this World General Welfare Association does not seek to be a Substitute for any existing "Peace" or "General Welfare Organization" on Earth, but it universally seeks to be the Powerful Unselfish Economical Ally of Each Such Local Organization.
- ITS SPECIAL MISSION Is to economically, simultaneously, justly and bloodlessly, Mobilize All Willing Nations, Organizations and Individuals, Into a
The Highest Attainable Divine and Human Wisdom Is Being Sought, to Make These "World's General Welfare Association Plans" Worthy of General Publicity, General Acceptance, and General Simultaneous Execution. What [Cooperative] Wisdom, and What Wise Amendments Have You to Offer Us? Promptly Forward Them to Us for Immediate Use.
What Do You Think of These Plans? Write Us Your Answer. [page 2]
The Plans Provide and Request That The Existing Officials Of The Hague Convention, WITH THEIR CENTRAL HEADQUARTERS AT THE HAGUE, In The Eastern Hemisphere, And The President Of The United States, With His Cabinet, And The Willing Governors Of The Several States And Their Respective Cabinets, With Central Headquarters AT WASHINGTON, D.C., UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Be Considered As The "Wise Central General Headquarters," Of This Whole "World General Welfare Association" "Mobilization Movement." The Willing Officials, Of All Newspapers, and Of All Local Organizations, Of Whatever Name, The World Over, The Ambassadors Of All The Nations Of Earth, And The "Common People Of The World," Being The Irresistible Powerful Allies, Of The Officials Of These TWO CENTRAL ANTI-WAR ASSOCIATIONS OF THE WORLD.
Ho! Every Inhabitant Of Earth. Remember That "Preparedness for War" By The Nations Of Earth," Means "War" In The Future, While "Preparedness For Peace" "By The Nations Of Earth" Means CERTAIN PEACE AND GENERAL PROSPERITY.
One Question for Each Person on Earth to Answer For Themselves, Before they Reach the Judgment Bar of God. Namely: If I "Willingly" Aid the Spirit of "Militarism and War," for Personal or Corporate Gain, By Furnishing Money, or War [Matériel] to Belligerent Nations, for War Purposes, or if I by Voice, Pen, Influence, or Person, Aid Such Belligerency, Will I Not be Held Accountable at the Bar of God, as a "CO-PARTNER IN WHOLESALE MURDERING?" [page 3]
We the Undersigned Believe that "[Military?] [upper right corner torn] tion of "God's Laws," and that they have [upper right corner torn] ABLE ENEMIES OF MANKIND. Therefore [upper right corner torn] Against Their Future Continuance. We will not [upper right corner torn] [Knowingly or Willingly?]" aid the spirit of either one of these
by our voice, pen, money, influence or persons. We will oppose further "World Suicidal Intolerable Taxation" for "Military and War Purposes" and favor "Reducing the Armaments of All Nations."
All Rulers, Government Officials, Ambassadors, Peace Organizations, Bankers, Boards of Trade, Business Organizations, Capital and Labor Organizations, Social and Fraternal Organizations, Pope, Priests, Clergymen, Missionaries, Publishers, Public Press, Educators, and every other Willing Person on Earth to Promptly and [Cooperatively] use every wise, just endeavor, to settle all existing wars, and to avert all future wars and strikes, by
We further Petition the President of the United States of America, and his Official Cabinet and Legal Advisers, and the Governor of Each State, and their Official Cabinet and Legal Advisers, at such time and place as they may deem wise, to call AN INITIAL WORLD PARLIAMENT OF REPRESENTATIVES OF ALL WILLING NATIONS, to take Wise, Unselfish Council in the formation of a WORLD ARBITRATION SUPREME COURT, with Police Power to enforce its decisions, by ECONOMICALLY, INTERNATIONALLY, CENTRALIZING A WISE PORTION OF EXISTING NATIONAL ARMAMENTS FOR THIS PURPOSE.
- WORLD NEWSPAPER ANTI-WAR DEPARTMENT. We, the Undersigned, Officially connected with Newspaper Publishing, Believe in the Wisdom of Settling Present Wars, and Averting All Future Wars by Just
Rather than by force of Arms. We will therefore seek to use our influence to place "Mediation and Arbitration" on their "Rightful World Thrones."
We, the Undersigned, Engaged in Banking, or in Some Department of the Business World, Knowing that Militarism and War Are Enemies of Just International Business, Depressing and Disordering General Business the World Over, Creating Hatred Between Nations Formerly Friendly, and Placing Intolerable Burdens of Taxation Upon the Present and Future Generations, Appeal to the Ruling Powers of All Nations, to Cease Wars, and "Preparedness for Wars," and Seek to Settle All National, International, Business, Capital and Labor Grievances, by "Just Mediation and Arbitration," Rather Than by "Strikes" or by "Force of Arms."
- WORLD CHRISTIAN ANTI-WAR DEPARTMENT. When Christ Was Born, A Multitude of the Heavenly Host Sang,
War Then, Is of "Satanic Origin." "World Patriotism" Is Above "National Patriotism." "God's Laws," Are Above "Human Laws." I Choose Obedience to God's Laws, Rather Than Loyalty to Satanic Rule.
Signed................................................................[page 4]
- WORLD LABOR ANTI-WAR DEPARTMENT. "Militarism and War," Are Antagonistic to the Highest Physical, Intellectual, Moral and Financial Welfare of Ourselves or Our Families. Therefore We Will Not Willingly Be Placed In Serfdom by These Tyrants of Humanity.
- WORLD HOME ANTI-WAR DEPARTMENT. Knowing that "Militarism and War," Are Destructive of Homes, and Home Ties, We [Earnestly] Oppose Their Further Rule, and Will Endeavor to Train All Children Who May Be Placed in Our Homes, for World Peace, Rather Than for "Militarism and War."
- WORLD PUBLIC SCHOOL ANTI-WAR DEPARTMENT. As Public School Officials, or Teachers, We Realize the Importance of Training All Scholars, For World "Peace and Prosperity," Rather Than for "Militarism and War." We Will Earnestly Seek To Give Such Training to Those Placed Under Our Care.
- WORLD CHILDREN'S ANTI-WAR DEPARTMENT. [We Are Told] that "Militarism and War," Are "Wholesale Murderers." Oh How Awful! We Do Not Want to Be "Killed," or To "Kill Anybody." We Want "Peace" and "Happiness." Count Us On the Side of Peace. Our Names Are,
- WORLD YOUNG PEOPLE'S ANTI-WAR DEPARTMENT. As We Are Soon to Be the Men and Women, to Govern, and To Be Governed, We Desire to Act Wisely With Reference to World Government. "World Peace and Prosperity" Is Our Choice, and We Are DETERMINED TO HAVE THEM. DOWN With "Militarism and War" and UP With "Mediation and Arbitration." So Say We All.
- WORLD WOMAN'S ANTI-WAR DEPARTMENT. In the Interests of Both Sexes, for the Present and All Future Generations, We [Rebel] Against the "Indescribable Wickedness and Horrors of Militarism and Wars." "Might Does Not Make Right, but Right Always Makes Might." We Therefore Pledge Ourselves, to Mobilize for "Peace On Earth, Good Will To Men."
- WORLD PROFIT SHARING ANTI-WAR DEPARTMENT. "Militarism and War," Are CONCENTRATED SELFISHNESS. Where, And While They Exist [International] Economical Profit Sharing Is Made Impossible. Therefore Count On Us Who Believe In the Just Principles of Profit Sharing, to Stand Firm in Our Opposition to "Militarism and War," and As the "True Friends of Mediation and Arbitration."
- WORLD TEMPERANCE ANTI-WAR DEPARTMENT. "Intemperance," "Militarism" and "War," Are the Triple Conscienceless "DESPOTS" of Humanity. LET EVERY INHABITANT OF EARTH. Mobilize! Mobilize!! Mobilize!!! For Their Speedy Destruction. Here Am I, [Cooperatively] Use Me.
- WORLD EVANGELISTIC ANTI-WAR DEPARTMENT. "Militarism and War" Are Satanic Enemies of Both God and All Mankind. They Are Diametrically Opposed to the Principles and Teachings of Christ, Our Leader. World Evangelism, Is the Universal Panacea for "Militarism and War," and the "Glorious Agency" of Bringing Peace and Prosperity to All Nations. Therefore We Will Seek World Peace and Prosperity by Means of "World Evangelism," and "World Protest," Against These "Monsters of Iniquity."
Signed................................................................[page 5]
[manicule] These "World General Welfare Association Plans" provide that all Willing Secretaries, of all Willing Organizations, the World Over, Without [Reelection] or Appointment, are Considered as Local [Cooperative] Associate Members of the "World's General Welfare Association Correspondence Bureau."
- Remember, and Obey God's Laws. "Thou Shalt Not Kill." "Whatsoever Ye Would that Men Should Do to You, Do Ye Even So to Them."
- Remember that "Militarism" and "War," Stripped of Their Deceitful Guises, Are of Satanic Origin. Wholesale Murderers, of the Deepest Dye. Fountains of Rivers of Human Blood, Intolerable Financial Despots, Concentrated Iniquity and Injustice. Enemies of God, and of All Mankind.
- Mediation and Arbitration have been tried by Great Britain and the United States, resulting in more than one hundred years of Peace between them, with Boundary Lines of nearly 4,000 miles extent, entirely Unfortified.
- Mediation and Arbitration are God's Wise Way, of Settling All International, National, Business, and Individual Grievances.
- Substitute "Preparation for Peace" by "World Peace Training," for "Preparation for War," by "World War Training."
- Food is necessary to sustain human life. Without it we must die. Military Food, is necessary to sustain war. Without it
WAR MUST DIE.Then Stop! Stop!! Stop!!! "Willingly," furnishing men, money, war armaments and war supplies, for "War Purposes," and promptly have A WORLD WAR FUNERAL.
- Give all "Militant Public Officials," "A Never Ending Vacation," by supplying their Official Positions with Just, Peace-Seeking Statesmen.
- Make the Manufacture and Sale of War Armaments, and War Supplies for War Purposes, for Private, or Corporate GAIN, A "WORLD CRIME," Punishable by Imprisonment.
- Promptly Accompany Your Prayers for World Peace with Action! Entreaty!! Petition!!! [Cooperation]!!!! Federation!!!!! Mobilization!!!!!! Demand!!!!!!! Command!!!!!!!! Enforcement!!!!!!!!! By Irresistible International Sentiment FOR A UNIVERSAL FLAG OF TRUCE.
- Call a World General Welfare Parliament of Representatives of All Willing Nations, and Just [Cooperative] Organizations, to Wisely and Unselfishly Formulate and Adopt General Welfare International Laws, and Provide an INTERNATIONAL SUPREME COURT of MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION, with International Police Power to Enforce Its Decisions, by Centralizing a Just Portion of Existing Armies, Navies, And Armaments of all Willing Nations Constituting This Parliament.
- Makes the International Penalty of future war Preparation or War's Activities, withdrawal of All General Business Relations with such Belligerent Nation, during such [Belligerency], unless first sanctioned by this Supreme Court.
- Mobilize All Willing Nations Organizations and Individuals EVERYWHERE into a WORLD ANTI-WAR FEDERATION, Seeking to Settle All International, National, Business and Individual Grievances, by WISE MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION, Rather Than by Force of Arms.
"A Mobilized General Welfare Press" could soon Stop and Avert All Present and Future Wars. "A Mobilized Financial World" could Do the Same. "A Mobilized Labor World" could Be a Close Second. "A Mobilized Christian World" could Soon Evangelize the World and then All Wars Would Cease. These Mobilized Different Departments could Kill Militarism and War, and CELEBRATE THEIR SPEEDY FUNERALS with the "Angelic Hosts," Singing "Glory to God, in the Highest," "Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men," while the Despots of Earth Would Hide Away in Shame, and Earth's Inhabitants Would Shout Aloud for Joy, that Peace and Prosperity Reigned Supreme, and that WISE MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION were Forever Seated on Their Rightful Earthly Royal Thrones.
This Is No Time "For Pessimism," or for "War Preparedness."
This Is the Time for "Optimism" and "Preparedness for Peace."
- Free World Membership to Every Inhabitant of Earth.
- All Willing Rulers, Ambassadors, Government Officials, and All Willing Officials of All Existing Organizations of Whatever Name, or Nature,
WHO BELIEVE IN THEPRINCIPLES HERE ADVOCATEDAre considered Local [Cooperative] Officials of this General Welfare Association, without [Reelection], or Appointment.
- Free World Associate Membership Offered. FREE WILL OFFERINGS to Promote Speedy General Publicity of These Plans, MOST GRATEFULLY RECEIVED.
- The Plans Make Practical the Simultaneous Perpetual Mobilized [Cooperation] of All Willing Inhabitants of Earth for the General Welfare of the Masses.
In Ford, Canada,and inDetroit, Michigan.
- A Booklet Entitled "World General Welfare Mobilization" For "World Peace and Prosperity," Is To Be Issued soon after November 1st, 1915, Containing All of the foregoing Bulletins, and other added Bulletins, A Bulletin containing Condensed Account of October Work, the Names and Addresses of Different Officials, and the Detroit Address of the
Michigan and Canada Headquarters
Price 25 cents. Promptly Send in Your Subscriptions.
This Poster Sent to Any Address
For further Information
On or before …………………………… I Promise to Pay in …………………………… to Aid the …………………………… Department of the "World's General Welfare Association" of …………………………… for the speedy execution of its Plans for the General Welfare of Humanity.
Note. -- The Plans Suggest a Depository, in Some Chosen Bank in Each County, Congressional District, State, Province or other Local Boundaries, with the Cashier, as the Suitable Person to Whom These Free Will Offerings May Be Sent, Unless Otherwise Specified.
Until Other Banks Are Named Offerings May Wisely Be Sent to W. B. Lawton, Ass't Cashier, First National Bank, Petoskey, Michigan, Initial Treas., "World's General Welfare Ass'n" Fund. [page 7]
These "Initial World General Welfare Association Bulletins," Will Be Published To The World, As Rapidly As Means To Do So Can Be Secured, And Other General Welfare Bulletins Will Follow Until They Will Be Issued Daily.
The Plans Provide For Bank Depositories And Treasurers, In Each Congressional District, Or Within Other Desired Political Boundaries. Initial bank Depository, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, PETOSKEY, MICHIGAN. "Initial Treasurer, World General Welfare Association Fund," W. B. Lawton, Assistant Cashier of Bank.
Bay View, Petoskey, and Harbor Springs, Are the Natural Centers of Emmet County, Michigan, and of the Eleventh Congressional District, Consisting of 16 Counties, Nine of Them in the Lower Peninsula, and Seven of Them Situated in the Upper Peninsula, Namely: Emmet, Cheboygan, Presque Isle, Charlevoix, Antrim, Kalkaska, Otsego, Montmorency, Alpena, IN THE LOWER PENINSULA, and Mackinac, Chippewa, Luce, Alger, Schoolcraft, Delta, Menominee, in THE UPPER PENINSULA. Petoskey, Emmet County, Has Been Chosen as the Wise Central Headquarters of The "World's General Welfare Association" for Emmet County, and for the Michigan Eleventh Congressional District, with THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, PETOSKEY, MICHIGAN, THE GENERAL DEPOSITORY, and the Assistant Cashier of the Bank, W. B. Lawton, Initial Treasurer, of The "World's General Welfare Association Funds." Emma Lamb Barnes, of Petoskey, Michigan, Initial Secretary. Rev. L. H. Manning, of Petoskey, Michigan, Initial President. The Owner of the Petoskey Evening News, C. E. Churchill, is the Initial Publisher.
All Clergymen, of All Local Denominations, All Local Priests, All Willing Officials of All Local Organizations, Both Sexes, in Petoskey and Harbor Springs, and Clergymen, Chautauqua Lecturers and Officials Visiting Bay View, Who Believe in The Principles Here Presented, Are Considered Members of an "Initial Local" "World's General Welfare Advisory Council," Without [Reelection] or Appointment.
The Trustees of the "Bay View Camp Ground Association" Are Thomas Gordon, Jr., Howell, Michigan, President and Treasurer. C. W. Fallass, Petoskey, Michigan, Secretary. W. J. Devol, Lebanon, Indiana. S. A. Hays, Greencastle, Indiana. M. Avann, Gary, Indiana. D. H. Ramsdell, Ann Arbor, Michigan. W. H. Shier, Detroit, Michigan. Clement Smith, Hastings, Michigan. George W. Childs, Petoskey, Michigan.
Post Me in Some Public Place, Where I May Go On Preaching the "Glorious Gospel" of "Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men"
A World General Welfare Mass Meeting will be held At _______________________________________