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  • Tags: Russia

Addams, Pond, and Berg invite Bakhmeteff and the Russian War Commission to attend a meeting in Chicago.

Addams discusses Raymond Robins' assignment in Russia and Hull-House affairs.

Gilbert asks Addams for three seats to a public mass meeting in Chicago in honor of the Russian Commission.

Karsten redirects Gilbert's request for tickets to a conference to Charles Merriam.

Williams notifies Addams that McCormick will be unable to contribute to the Fresh Air Fund because of his absence.

Karsten sends Addams copies of recent reports. She also discusses upcoming activities, including details of the Russian Commission and Hull-House.

Addams asks Sedgwick to contact her publisher and relates some subjects which she may be interested in writing about.
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Addams considers the role of Leo Tolstoy's writings in the recent decision of Russian soldiers not to fight in the war.
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Addams considers the role of Leo Tolstoy's writings in the recent decision of Russian soldiers not to fight in the war.

Lewis hopes to see Addams in Chicago and discusses her views of the Woman's Peace Party.

Mead explains the need for strong language and government support in a prepared statement for the Annual meetings of the Woman's Peace Party.

Addams writes Wald about her plans for an upcoming trip to New York and concerns about the Russian Civil War.

Addams thanks Sedgwick for sending her a book and remarks about an article which might further inform him on Russia.

Mead asks Addams for feedback on her plan (not found) and the problems between the New York Woman's Peace Party branches.
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Addams discusses changes in the government's view about the common good that have translated into effort to bring food security to larger populations.
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Addams discusses changes in the government's view about the common good that have translated into effort to bring food security to larger populations. She features the efforts women have made to conserve food. The speech was given at the General Federation of Women's Clubs Conference.
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Addams discusses changes in the government's view about the common good that have translated into effort to bring food security to larger populations. She features the efforts of women to conserve food.
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Addams discusses changes in the government's view about the common good that have translated into effort to bring food security to larger populations. She features the efforts women have made to conserve food. The speech was given at the General Federation of Women's Clubs Conference.

Addams tells Harper that she and Rachelle Yarros will approach certain names about the League to Aid and Support Russia. She notes that there will be a Russian speaker at Hull-House and hopes to hold a meeting then.

Karsten invites Harper to a talk at Hull-House and discusses plans for a meeting.

Harper tells Addams about his work with the League to Aid and Cooperate with Russia.

Addams explains her travel plans for the end of July and how she might be able to help Lane with publishing her speech.

Addams shares information on travel plans with Mary Rozet Smith and her interest in Russia.

Wald discuss news of the Russian Civil War with Addams.
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Addams discusses the Russian Revolution and the impact of its withdrawal from World War I.