17 results
- Tags: Nationalism
- Item Type: Text
The Higher Patriotism, October 7, 1904
Addams defines a new patriotism as one that tries new things and takes risks to do what it right. The speech was given at the International Peace Conference in Boston.
Déclaration de Indépendance de l'Esprit, March 1919 Also known as A Declaration of Spiritual Independence, March 1919
Rolland calls upon the people of all nations to unite now that World War I has ended and throw off nationalism in favor of working for humanity.
Americanization, December 29, 1919
Addams' discussion of the impact of dogmatic nationalism in the light of anti-immigrant sentiment. This paper was given to the American Sociological Society.
Americanization, December 29, 1919
Addams discusses the impact of dogmatic nationalism in the light of anti-immigrant sentiment. This paper was given at the American Sociological Society meeting, held in Chicago from December 29-31, 1919.
Americanization, December 29, 1919
A draft of Addams' discussion of the impact of dogmatic nationalism in the light of anti-immigrant sentiment. This paper was given at the American Sociological Society meeting, held in Chicago from December 29-31, 1919.
Americanization, December 29, 1919
Addams' discussion of the impact of dogmatic nationalism in the light of anti-immigrant sentiment. This paper was given to the American Sociological Society.
Has Nationalism Become a Dogma?, 1920
Addams warns of the dangers of the new nationalistic favor sweeping the world following the war.
Nationalism, a Dogma?, February 7, 1920
Addams warns of the dangers of the new nationalistic favor sweeping the world following the war. This article was a version of her speech to the American Sociological Society on December 29, 1919.
John Szlupas to Jane Addams, June 9, 1920
Szlupas asks Addams for support for Lithuanian education and Lithuanian independence.
Speech to the American Friends Service Committee Reunion, June 24, 1920
Addams discusses changes in American civil liberties after World War I.
Emily Greene Balch to Jane Addams, February 25, 1921
Balch sends Addams the text of Lili Jannasch's letter that describes the German women's struggle against Pan-Germanism and seeks help from Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.
Justyna Budzińska-Tylicka and Zofia Golińska-Daszyńska to Emily Greene Balch, October 15, 1921
The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Polish Section questions the motives of members of the Ukranian Section when it comes to the issue of Galicia.
A Peace Message From Women of Europe, July 8, 1922
Muprhy details the American peace tour of Annot Robinson, Gertrud Baer, and Thérèse Pottecher-Arnould.
Emily Green Balch to Jane Addams, September 1923
Balch gives Addams her views on nationalism as it impacts the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom and its Mexican Section.
Emily Balch Greene to Nathan Crary Shiverick, June 13, 1924
Balch sends Shiverick information about the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's goals in reply to his letter to Addams.
Marie Butts to Jane Addams, February 27, 1925
Butts writes Addams about her fears of communism, fascism, and violent ideology and recommends the creation of an International Peace Bureau.
Emily Greene Balch to George Browning Lockwood, March 31, 1927
Balch refutes Lockwood's leaflet attacking pacifists.
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