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  • Tags: Lectures
  • Item Type: Text

Emerson discusses the role of education in a lecture to the Masonic Temple in Boston.

Addams provides Sax contact information for J. Weintraub in New York and discusses her recent lecture in Iowa.

Addams apologizes for failing to send Blaine her New York lecture.
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Addams' draft notes for a eulogy for Alzina Parsons Stevens in which she quotes from William Wordsworth's "The Happy Warrior."
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Addams explores lessons learned from the 19th century, and sees the greatest menace for the future as the lack of faith in the people and an over reliance on national pride.
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Addams explores lessons learned from the 19th century, and sees the greatest menace for the future as the lack of faith in the people and an over reliance on national pride.

Addams asks if Adams can arrange lectures in Ann Arbor, Michigan, for Peytr Kropotkin in April, noting that she seems to have become his western manager.

Adams discusses possible lecture venues for Peytr Kropotkin at the University of Michigan and invites Addams to visit Ann Arbor.

James invites Addams to speak at the American Academy of Political and Social Science's extension program for 1901-1902.

Kropotkin thanks Addams for her work in arranging lectures for him and discusses plans for his visit in April.

Addams discusses English settlement work at the Kenwood Evangelical Church.

Addams discussed the role of schools in preparing children for life in a speech at the Ethical Society.

Women argue against setting a weekly salary of $2,50 because it was not sufficient to health and well-being.

Goldman writes regarding Peytr Kropotkin's upcoming visit and asks Addams to provide admission to the meetings arranged for Chicago for her friend Hippolyte Havel, who would not be able to afford entry.

Addams invites Jones and his wife to come to Hull-House to meet Peytr Kropotkin and to hear him lecture.

Ely suggests that Peytr Kropotkin stay at his home while he is in Madison, Wisconsin, and updates Addams on Anna Ely's medical condition.

Addams tells Ely that Peytr Kropotkin will stay with Ely in Madison, Wisconsin, and remarks on Kropotkin's health.

Addams writes Smith about her lecture in Madison, Wisconsin, a trip to Springfield, Illinois, where she met the governor, a property purchase, and her trip to New Orleans.

Addams writes Smith about her travels.

Addams reports on the recommendations of the City Homes Association in regard to the building of tenement houses in Chicago.

Addams writes Ely about the recent visit of Peytr Kropotkin and her upcoming lectures.

Addams criticizes trade schools in an address to the Chicago Institute.

Addams writes Lathrop to choose a day in which she can speak at All Souls Church.

Addams recounts the roles and responsibilities of marriage and love at the ceremony for two Hull-House residents.

Addams and Henrotin discuss the need to form a union for housewives at a meeting of the Chicago Workingwoman's Association.

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