4 results
- Tags: Home Economics
- Item Type: Text
Statement on Young Couples and Housekeeping, December 27, 1901 (excerpt)
Addams comments on Judge E. F. Dunne's statement that $25 is enough for a young couple to start housekeeping. This was taken from a longer article on the topic.
Address to the South Side Woman's Club, February 16, 1904 (excerpt)
Newspaper report of Addams' address to the South Side Woman's Club, dealing with how women can cope with the lack of servants by using prepared foods. The article was published under different headlines in multiple newspapers.
Anna Marcet Haldeman to Jane Addams, ca. November 13, 1915
Haldeman asks Addams for interior decorating assistance.
Anna Marcet Haldeman to Jane Addams, ca. November 13, 1915
Haldeman thanks Addams for sending the curtains that she wanted for her event.
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