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  • Mentions: International Congress of Women (1915)

Balch writes Czaplicka with regard to establishing a Women's International League for Peace and Freedom section in Poland.

Spencer updates Addams on staffing changes at the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section and on Fanny Villard's plan to create another women's peace organization.

Balch writes to Villard questioning the need for a new international peace organization for women.

Addams makes the case for European relief to save starving children.

Addams defends herself against Gunn's charges of radicalism.

Lewis tells Addams about work being done in Pennsylvania and asks Addams's advice about dealing with Herbert Hoover.

Jacobs writes to explain a report that she disavowed Addams's report on the German trip and reports on her activities.

Balch updates the Committee on the status of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom newsletter, financial matters, and the League's goals, seeking opinions. Balch quotes from several incoming letters on these issues.

A program of meetings held at the International Congress of Women in Zurich in 1919.

Addams sends Hull some copies of the proceedings at The Hague that she can send to Smith.

Hull drafts a letter she plans to send to Gertrude Smith in reply to her criticism of the planning of the International Congress to correct her misconceptions.

Addams encourages Post to go abroad as an alternate delegate of the Committee of Five and tells her about the difficulties she and others have been having securing passports.

Post suggests that Addams get her passport as soon as possible for the upcoming meeting and discusses delegates to the conference.

Addams expresses her belief that the Women's Peace Party could be the organization Marple is looking for and hopes she will contribute her fortune to the International Congress.

Addams sends Jacobs a finalized list of the plans for the Official Peace Conference and asks her to pick which she prefers. She also asks her to notify all national sections once a plan has been agreed upon by the executive board members.

Addams's draft of a letter she plans to send Jacobs which details several possible plans for the upcoming peace conference and asks her, along with each member of the International Board, to pick which one is best.
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Addams praises Jenkin Lloyd Jones and discusses his efforts in Chicago and for peace.

Addams notes that she knows the German women who issued the appeal and does not believe it is a propaganda plan.

Mead relates the similarities between President Wilson's Address and the Minimum Program promoted by internationalists.

Karsten tells Williams that the Woman's Peace Party is not incorporated, but she would send her some material on the subject.

Karsten sends Haldman-Julius materials about the Woman's Peace Party and notes having met her husband.

Karsten sends Frost materials on the Woman's Peace Party and the International Congress of Women.

Karsten tells Daly more about the Woman's Peace Party and the group's activities and initiatives.

Post offers Mead suggestions to improve the program of the Congress After the War.
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Addams argues for protection of migrant laborers and food supplies, and discusses the different outlook that the working class has towards war.