Addams provides reasons for disarmament as a means to better the economy, reduce unemployment and taxes, and improve international relations. The speech was given at the Eccleston Guildhouse in London and then published.
Addams provides reasons for disarmament as a means to better the economy, reduce unemployment and taxes, and improve international relations. She gave the speech at the Eccleston Guildhouse in London on September 18, 1921.
Addams testifies against conscription before a closed hearing of the House of Representatives Committee on Military Affairs. She was one of many opponents who opposed universal service.
Addams' lecture at the Second Annual Lincoln Day Dinner for the Progressive Party discusses how the Party should move forward and maintain the ideals of Lincoln.
A speech given by Addams at the Second Annual Lincoln Day Dinner for the Progressive Party, about how the Party should move forward and maintain the ideals of Lincoln.
Addams is one of a number of people who sign a call for a conference to examine the situation of African-Americans since emancipation. Various versions of the call appeared in newspapers across the country.
At the Lincoln Center, Addams and others speak in memory of Colonel John A. Davis. This excerpt is part of a larger article and only Addams' words are included.