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  • Mentions: International Congress of Women (1919)

Addams is eager to see Wald and discusses raising funds for the International Congress of Women After the War.

Addams discusses plans for organizing the International Congress of Women to coincide with the Peace Conference, asking women if they are able to travel to Europe.

Addams thanks Culver for her donation to the International Congress of Women After the War and shares early plans.

Addams expresses her regrets at the change in status of Andrews membership with the National Committee of Five. Addams also shares her hopes for Andrews' future involvement in the peace movement.

Doty tells Addams about the need for an international meeting of the Women's Congress. She then talks about how well Baldwin is doing in jail and their recent engagement.

Eastman, Balch, Leach, and Hughan express their eagerness to have an international meeting of the Women's Congress as suggested by Post.

Taussig emphasizes the need to raise more funds for the Women's peace organization and to increase publicity to keep all world wide branches informed.

Addams sends Jacobs possible dates and locations for the upcoming international Women's Congress meeting.

Thacher informs Addams that the U.S. Departments of State and Justice saw no issue in conferring with German women. She also discuss potential dates for the Women's Congress and obtaining passports to travel to the Congress.

Addams tells Doty that The Hague is the best location for the Peace conference but she is still waiting to hear back from other board members.

Addams's draft of a letter she plans to send Jacobs which details several possible plans for the upcoming peace conference and asks her, along with each member of the International Board, to pick which one is best.

Addams sends Jacobs a finalized list of the plans for the Official Peace Conference and asks her to pick which she prefers. She also asks her to notify all national sections once a plan has been agreed upon by the executive board members.

Post gives Addams updates on the arrangements of the International Peace Congress, including another woman interested in attending.

Smith requests that Hull protests Addams' International Peace Conference.

Addams expresses her belief that the Women's Peace Party could be the organization Marple is looking for and hopes she will contribute her fortune to the International Congress.

Addams sends Balch updates for the Peace Conference and asks for her opinion.

Addams sends Woolley the decision on the Peace Conference plan and asks for her opinion.

Post suggests that Addams get her passport as soon as possible for the upcoming meeting and discusses delegates to the conference.

Addams tells Balch how difficult it is arranging an international meeting and asks if she could go to Europe in advance to help.

Addams encourages Post to go abroad as an alternate delegate of the Committee of Five and tells her about the difficulties she and others have been having securing passports.

Macmillan tells Addams that she would prefer to meet at The Hague in May for the peace conference.

Post updates Addams on the international delegate situation and provides her with confidential information on plans to obtain passports for the upcoming peace conference.

Hull drafts a letter she plans to send to Gertrude Smith in reply to her criticism of the planning of the International Congress to correct her misconceptions.

Addams thanks Terrell for agreeing to be one of the delegates of the International Committee.

Post asks Addams how she should get certification that she will be one of the five delegates, and for advice on how to proceed after the fact.